Tibet: Beyond Fear
If you would like to purchase the digital download, please email mperlman@world2be.com
With an opening by Richard Gere, this award winning television documentary has been translated into 12 languages, broadcast worldwide, and incorporated into university curriculums throughout the United States. Tibet: Beyond Fear highlights the remarkable courage of Ngawang, a Buddhist nun and Bagdro, a Buddhist monk who at 13 and 20 years old, led freedom demonstrations against the Chinese repression of Tibet.
Following a brutal military crackdown, they’re arrested and endure horrific torture until a global movement culminates in their release.Through the power of a positive mind and inspired by the Dalai Lama, Bagdro and Ngawang find a way beyond fear.

Tenzin T.
President: Dalai Lama Foundation
Founder: Tibet Fund, Tibet House and
International Campaign for Tibet
“Beyond Fear is an important and inspiring film that will add a critical dimension to any course in humanities, history, religion, human rights, and Asian studies.”
Professor Tethong
History Department, Stanford University
“Beyond Fear is remarkable, powerful and timely. One of the few documentaries selected as an Artist For Amnesty film, it offers a rarely seen window into the treatment of political prisoners and the strategic plan human rights organizations implement that can lead to their release.
T. Kumar,
Advocacy Director Asia
Amnesty International
This film was made possible with generous support from the Tibetan community including: International Campaign for Tibet, Students For Free Tibet,Tibet Information Network, The Tibet House, Office of Tibet, the Rubin Museum For Himalayan Art, Amnesty International and Home Planet Productions.
Written, Produced, and Directed
by Michael Perlman
Edited by Mary Perrilo and Brian Gates
Music by Joshua Meltzer
Sign Statement in Support of Tibet
Read the letter written by Nobel Prize Laureates at www.thecommunity.com